Fundación Robo es… Espoleados por la reciente agitación política, la plataforma Robo intenta crear un espacio para escribir otro tipo de letras, esas que consisten en abrir la ventana y echar un vistazo a lo que ocurre fuera. Los primeros pasitos los han dado Roberto Herreros (Grande-Marlaska, Ladinamo), Karlos Osinaga (Lisabö, Bidehuts) y Joseba Irazoki (Atom Rhumba). Nunca pretendieron que Robo fuera un grupo más, sino una aventura colectiva similar a Wu Ming, donde implicar a músicos con inquietudes parecidas. Hoy podemos anunciar que algunos se van animando.

Fundación Robo es… Spurred on by recent political unrest, the «Robo» platform wanted to create a space devoted to composing a different kind of lyric that consists in simply opening the window and observing what goes on outside. The first steps were taken by Roberto Herreros (Grande-Marlaska, Ladinamo), Karlos Osinaga (Lisabö, Bidehuts) and Joseba Irazoki (Atom Rhumba). Robo was never meant to be just another group, but rather a collective adventure, something along the lines of Wu Ming, where we could be joined by other musicians with similar concerns. As of today, we are pleased to say that quite a few have.


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